Making Planning Processes Public in Upham's Corner

As part of our work with Upham's Corner ArtPlace, the Design Studio is putting on another pop-up exhibit in Upham's Corner. This one, entitled "Making Planning Processes Public" aims to do just that, as Upham's is slated for multiple types of investment and redevelopment. The exhbit is another chance to put "creative placemaking" in the hands of community residents and to use the skills and creativity of local artists to invite residents deeper into the planning processes.

We are excited that Upham's Corner Main Street is hosting us again and thriled to be working with local arists Cedric Dougles and Philippe Lejeune. (They're going to blow your mind!) We are grateful to funding from The Boston Foundation and ArtPlace, and partnerships with Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative and MIT's Center for Civic Media's awesome Co-Design class. Finally, our MPPP interns, Corina McCarthy-Fadel and Diego Perez Lacera have been tireless and invaluable!

Please contact us if you would like to volunteer! We would love to have you.  

volunteer [at]

The exhibit will run from April 29th--May 5th, from 3-7pm each day. More event details coming soon.