Two Local Artists Chosen for Our "Making Planning Processes Public" Exhibit

We are proud to announce the two artists we've selected for our upcoming interactive installation entitled “Making Planning Processes Public” in Upham's Corner. The installation will be open to the public from Apriil 29th--May 5th in the Upham's Corner Main Street office next to the Strand.

Cedric Douglas (above), a local artist with his art studio on Humphries Street, was chosen for the integrated public signage commission. He brings a rich background in using everyday objects to communicate messages to the public.


Philippe Lejeune of Brookline was selected for his creative installations that engage the public in rethinking their subjectivity. Both bring a wealth of experience about public art, installations and the Boston area to our art partnership.

We took our artists on a tour of Upham’s Corner to start imagining what the full installation and integrated signage will feel and look like.

Philippe Lejeune, left, with Cedric Douglas, right, at Upham's Corner intersection of Columbia Ave and Dudley Street.

Design Studio's Kenny Bailey with artists (and another local artist) in front of Cedric's art studio on Humphries Street near Upham's Corner.

Cedric and Philippe thinking about possible spaces for signage or installations...


This upcoming installation is part of our work with the Upham's Corner ArtPlace initiative, funded by ArtPlace and The Boston Foundation.